Sleep: The Time for Brain and Body Recovery
Humans have maintained a balance between day and night for a long time. However, the invention of the light bulb completely changed human life. Thanks to the light bulb, people can now stay active at night as if it were daytime. While this invention greatly advanced civilization, irregular sleep patterns have put human health at risk.
Studies show that lack of sleep and staying up late can lead to depression, dementia, obesity, and even cancer. Dr. Fu from Taiwan explains, “Several areas of the brain must work together for a person to fall asleep and wake up properly. If these areas are damaged, it may become difficult to fall asleep or achieve deep sleep.” So, how does sleep affect the brain and body?
Sleep Prepares the Brain for Learning
When we sleep, our brain processes and stores information. Let’s look at an experiment. Two groups of people were tested: the first group got enough sleep, while the second group was sleep-deprived. Afterward, both groups took the same test, and the results were surprising. The sleep-deprived group scored 40% lower than the well-rested group.
This proves that proper sleep improves learning and memory. Sleep helps transfer information from short-term memory to long-term memory. So, if you want to study or work efficiently, getting enough sleep is essential. As the philosopher Kant once said, “One of the purest joys is rest (sleep) after work.”
Sleep Is the Best Medicine
Lack of sleep has serious effects on the body. It accelerates aging and increases the risk of dementia. People who do not get enough sleep tend to age faster than those who do. This is why night shift workers often look older than those who work during the day. Sleep deprivation also raises the risk of cancer. During sleep, special immune cells—called "natural killer cells"—become active. These cells patrol the body, eliminating harmful mutated cells.
This means that quality sleep slows down aging and strengthens the immune system against cancer. In addition, sleeping well can keep the skin youthful, reducing the need for expensive skincare products. By improving sleep quality, we can visit hospitals less often and lower our risk of diseases. Sleep is truly the best free medicine available.
If you want to live a long and healthy life, develop good sleep habits.
Make sleep your natural remedy and prioritize your well-being.
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