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How to Select Outstanding Students Like Confucius <Part 2>

by KHANMOM 2025. 2. 18.

Confucius Also Made Mistakes in Judging People

Confucius, a famous teacher from ancient China, had two students: Dantai Ziyu and Zai Yu. When they first came to learn from him, Confucius judged them by their looks and speech. Dantai Ziyu looked poor and unrefined, so Confucius thought he was not talented or virtuous. On the other hand, Zai Yu spoke very well, so Confucius believed he was smart and capable.

Later, Confucius admitted, "I was wrong about Ziyu because I judged him by his appearance, and I was wrong about Zai Yu because I judged him by his words."

From this mistake, Confucius created a better way to judge people. His method can still help us find excellent students today.


Checking Trust Through Quick Promises

When a leader makes a sudden promise, some people take it seriously, while others are too busy with their own tasks and fail to keep it. In school, some students complete unexpected assignments on time. These students understand why the teacher gave extra work and finish it, even if it takes effort. Students who always complete their work well are often praised. Since they trust their teacher and follow instructions, they naturally get good results.


Checking Kindness Through Handling Money

A wise leader knows that greed can cause failure. A teacher can test students by letting them decide how much homework to do. Most students will choose less work. But those who keep the same amount or do more show a strong desire to learn. The way students handle their assignments shows how dedicated they are to studying.


Checking Loyalty in Hard Times

When a country is in danger, the loyalty of its officials becomes clear. In the same way, when students get bad grades, some blame the teacher and look for other ways to study. Others find their mistakes and do not blame others. Students who always change their attitude based on their grades are not steady. Teachers are less likely to help students who do not stay focused for a long time.


Checking Self-Control After an Exam

Even if a person drinks alcohol, they should still behave well in front of their leader. In the same way, after an exam, some students use it as an excuse to stop studying. They do not do their homework and waste time. If a student does not have clear goals and only follows personal desires, it will be hard for them to succeed in school.


Checking Discipline in a Mixed-Gender Setting

If a government official is too focused on romance, their work suffers. Teenagers often care a lot about how they look to others, especially to the opposite gender. Many schools now have boys and girls studying together. Some students focus too much on relationships and forget to study. It is common to see top students lose focus when they start dating. But those who control their feelings and stay focused on studying can achieve great things. Learning self-control at a young age is important for future success.


Confucius’ ideas—testing trust through quick promises, kindness through handling money,
self-control after drinking, and discipline in mixed-gender settings—
can also help identify great students.
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