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The Amazing Transformation Brought by Two Morning Hours

by KHANMOM 2025. 2. 22.

Your Brain Right After Waking Up is Like a Sloth

Research shows that it takes at least two hours for the human brain to fully wake up after sleep. During this time, our reaction speed slows down, similar to a sloth. Sloths are known as one of the slowest animals and often appear as lazy characters in stories. The reason we feel groggy after waking up is that our brain is still waking up. But does that mean we have to waste those two hours? Not at all. Researchers have discovered ways to wake up the brain faster. If we use these two hours wisely, we can make the most of our 24-hour day.

To Make the Most of the First Two Hours, Start with Quality Sleep

Sometimes, we wake up feeling tired, sluggish, or even with a headache. This happens because we didn’t get quality sleep. To use the first two hours effectively, we need to sleep well. Good sleep helps the brain recover. Let’s look at some ways to use our first two hours wisely every morning.

1. Go to the Window Right After Waking Up

The moment you see sunlight, your body stops producing melatonin, a hormone that makes you sleepy. If you stay in bed without seeing sunlight, melatonin continues to be released, keeping you drowsy. Instead of lying in bed, get up immediately and go to the window. Spend about five minutes in the sunlight. This is the first step in waking up your brain.

2. Drink a Glass of Water to Improve Blood Flow

Drinking a glass of lukewarm water on an empty stomach has health benefits. While sleeping for more than six hours, our body does not receive water, making our blood thicker. Drinking water thins the blood and improves circulation. As a result, the brain gets more blood supply, helping brain cells wake up. A single glass of water in the morning can make your entire day feel fresher.

3. Breakfast is the Perfect Signal to Wake Up Your Brain

There are many reasons why eating breakfast is important. The act of chewing stimulates the release of a hormone called parotin, which improves blood vessel flexibility. This increases blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain. Additionally, glucose from carbohydrates in food serves as the brain’s energy source. To prepare the brain for activity, we must provide it with energy in advance. This is why students should never skip breakfast. Without enough energy, brain activity slows down.

4. Writing is the Best Brain Exercise

According to Dr. Mary Burmeister’s 1950 study, our hands are connected to our entire body. Using our hands stimulates the brain, which is why writing is known to help prevent dementia. Writing in the morning can effectively stimulate your brain. If writing is difficult, try copying famous quotes or reading inspiring passages. This is an easy way to stimulate the brain.

5. Walk for 30–40 Minutes

Dr. Ernest Green, an internal medicine specialist at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, found that morning walks increase blood flow to the brain. His research shows that when we walk, the impact of our feet hitting the ground creates pressure waves that travel through the arteries, increasing blood supply to the brain. Walking not only boosts blood flow but also stimulates the nervous system.

Sir Isaac Newton, the renowned physicist, often took walks when he faced a difficult problem. Though he might not have known the science behind it, walking may have helped him discover the law of gravity. Similarly, a morning walk fully wakes up the brain while also improving overall health.


By using just two hours wisely every morning, you can gain an extra 730 hours a year. Over ten years, that’s 7,300 hours—about 304 extra days! Many successful people wake up early and start their day sooner. How you spend the first two hours of your morning can change the course of your life.


To make the most of your morning, you need to wake up your brain quickly. By doing this, you can gain the equivalent of an extra year every ten years—significantly impacting your life.


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