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자녀 교육법

Lee Kun-hee's Parenting Method

by KHANMOM 2025. 2. 16.

Lee Kun-hee's Management Style That Built Global Samsung

Chairman Lee Kun-hee led Samsung to become a world-class company. In Korea, where the semiconductor industry was almost nonexistent, Samsung rose to the top thanks to his keen foresight. Even during the difficult IMF crisis, he strengthened Samsung with his management principles. These principles also applied to his children's education. Let's take a look at Lee Kun-hee's parenting philosophy.

"Character Comes First"

Lee Kun-hee always emphasized the importance of a person's character. He believed that a good business leader must understand people. He thought that developing strong empathy would help one become a great leader. His eldest daughter, Lee Boo-jin, demonstrated this value through her actions.

In 2014, a taxi crashed into the front entrance of Shilla Hotel, causing damage worth 500 million KRW. The insurance coverage of the 80-year-old taxi driver was far from enough to cover the cost. However, when Lee Boo-jin learned that the driver was taking care of his wife, who had suffered a stroke, she did not demand compensation. Instead, she instructed her staff to cover the driver’s medical expenses. This story spread through the media, enhancing the public image of the Samsung family.

"Think from Many Angles"

Lee Kun-hee learned the habit of deep thinking from his father, Lee Byung-chul. He developed a visionary mindset and passed it on to his children.

Following his father's teachings, Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong closely monitored various Samsung subsidiaries. He valued on-site experience and trained himself to think strategically. Thanks to this approach, Samsung expanded into the biopharmaceutical and robotics industries, preparing for the future beyond electronics.

"Evaluate Your Strengths and Limits Objectively"

Lee Kun-hee once attempted to enter the automobile industry after succeeding in semiconductors. However, due to the IMF financial crisis, he had to make painful business adjustments. Learning from this experience, he taught his children to assess their capabilities objectively.

His second daughter, Lee Seo-hyun, launched the fashion brand "8Seconds" under Samsung C&T. However, the brand faced criticism for lower quality compared to other Samsung products and suffered losses. Acknowledging this, she stepped down from her position. Later, she transitioned to leadership roles at the Samsung Foundation and the Leeum Museum of Art.


Lee Kun-hee's approach to raising his children focused on developing strong character, fostering broad and strategic thinking, and making rational self-assessments.
Thanks to his strict and thoughtful guidance, the Samsung family remains strong
and influential in the global business world.

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