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The People You Must Meet in Life

by KHANMOM 2025. 2. 26.

Edison, Who Boosted Ford’s Spirit

At 16, Ford started working as a machinist at Edison’s electric company. Being diligent and hardworking, he eagerly learned new skills while staying up all night to create new inventions. However, after countless trials and errors, people called his first invention a worthless piece of scrap metal, which left him feeling discouraged.


Ford’s mentor was Edison. When Edison saw Ford’s "first internal combustion engine," he slammed his hand on the table in excitement and said, "Young man, this is a masterpiece. You are already a success." Throughout Ford’s journey in the automobile business, Edison continuously provided valuable advice whenever challenges arose. The "King of Automobiles" might not have existed without the unwavering support of the "King of Invention." Without Edison’s encouragement and guidance, Ford’s company might not exist as we know it today.

Ford’s Mentor, Edison <Source: Naver>

Does Feedback Improve Focus?

Matthew Robison, a lead researcher at the University of Texas, pointed out, "It is very difficult to stay focused. The longer we do something, the worse our performance tends to get." He added, "Whether it’s learning or work, receiving feedback can be a powerful motivator that helps maintain focus."


While self-feedback is possible, hearing advice from a successful mentor can lead to remarkable results. In relationships, a good mentor understands the challenges their mentee faces and provides the right guidance to keep them from losing confidence. Feedback from a great mentor often leads to outstanding achievements.

Do you want to find an inspiring mentor? Then start by maintaining a positive attitude and putting in sincere effort. After all, they say, "Heaven helps those who help themselves."


Successful people hold the "key to success." A great mentor, like Edison was to Ford, is that precious key. So, shouldn’t you start looking for a mentor who can help you shape your own key to success?

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