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Robert Darwin’s Parenting Method

by KHANMOM 2025. 1. 24.

Robert Darwin, the Father Who Supported Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin, a prominent figure in biology who reshaped its history with his groundbreaking theory of evolution, achieved his great accomplishments largely due to the support of his father, Robert Waring Darwin. Darwin’s grandfather, Erasmus Darwin (1731–1802), was a famous doctor in England. While Erasmus gained fame as a physician, Charles’s father, Robert Darwin, accumulated both wealth and a strong social standing. Through his considerable financial success, Robert became a prominent landowner. He initially hoped his son would follow in his footsteps and become a doctor, but after carefully considering Charles's interests and abilities, Robert supported his career in biology. Here’s a closer look at Robert Darwin’s approach to educating his children.

(Left) Robert Waring Darwin (Right) Charles Darwin, Author of On the Origin of Species


Suggesting a Career Aligned with His Son's Aptitudes

The Darwin family had a tradition of practicing medicine, passed down from grandfather to father. Robert Darwin initially wanted his son to become a doctor, but he believed Charles would struggle if he pursued a path that didn't suit him. So, he first gauged his son’s interest in medicine. Robert would take young Charles along on his rounds to visit patients, observing how his son watched him care for them attentively. Believing Charles had the potential to become a good doctor, Robert enrolled him in the medical program at the University of Edinburgh. However, Charles found it difficult to endure seeing patients suffer without anesthesia, which was common practice at the time, and soon found himself more drawn to natural sciences than medicine. Realizing his son's lack of interest in medicine, Robert then suggested he become a clergyman. At the time, many clergy members were engaged in studying nature and collecting insects, making it a suitable profession for Charles’s interests. Charles accepted his father's advice and entered the theology program at Cambridge University, allowing him to pursue his love for natural sciences. Thanks to his father’s attention to his aptitudes and career guidance, Charles would later be able to publish On the Origin of Species, a landmark book that would change scientific history.

Supporting His Son’s Five-Year Journey Around the World

With Charles on a path to becoming a clergyman, Robert felt relieved. However, the reality was that Charles’s true passion lay in natural science, and his primary occupation became studying nature rather than religious work. Seeking to deepen his knowledge through a journey around the world, Charles once again turned to his father for support. Initially, Robert opposed the idea of Charles embarking on such a voyage. However, he changed his stance upon hearing his son's desire to build upon the ideas of his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, who had earlier written on evolution in Zoonomia. With his father's financial backing, Charles was able to spend five years traveling the world, collecting critical data on various species and geological formations, which later formed the foundation of his evolutionary theory. Throughout his journey, Charles maintained a rigorous research routine, which eventually led to his historic discoveries. Without his father’s trust and agreement to let him set aside his clerical duties for those five years, Charles Darwin might not have achieved such fame and recognition.


Known as the father of evolutionary theory, Charles Darwin might have taken
much longer to develop his groundbreaking hypothesis on evolution had it not been
for his father’s insightful guidance and support.
This shows that the influence of a parent on their child can impact
even the course of world history.

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