Massive Private Education Expenses for Children's Future
As South Korea experiences a prolonged economic downturn, the belief that attending a prestigious school is essential has become even more widespread. Consequently, interest in high-income professional careers has increased, leading many parents to enroll their children in private academies from an early age. Additionally, with most families having only one or two children, parents are willing to invest substantial amounts in private education for their children’s future.
According to media reports, parents of two middle or high school students spend approximately 2 to 3 million KRW per month on education. However, despite these significant expenses, few parents are well-informed about which type of private education best suits their child. Let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of different types of private education.

Traditional Learning Method: Offline Academies
Offline academies follow a conventional approach to learning and are commonly found near schools or residential areas. These academies provide face-to-face instruction, allowing for real-time interaction, and follow a structured curriculum with fixed schedules. However, attending an offline academy requires commuting, which consumes both time and energy. Additionally, since classes typically consist of multiple students, direct interaction between the instructor and each student may be limited.
Except for prestigious academies in areas like Daechi-dong, most academies struggle to retain experienced instructors for long periods. Various factors influence the relationship between academies and teachers, often leading to frequent instructor replacements. Since few academies offer the necessary compensation and benefits to retain high-quality instructors, frequent teacher changes can significantly impact students’ learning progress.
Offline academies can be a viable option for students who are diligent and have good study habits but need additional support to keep up with their studies.
Personalized Instruction Through Private Tutoring
Private tutoring can be conducted individually or in small groups, with instructors visiting students’ homes. This method combines the advantages of offline academies with a one-on-one approach, allowing teachers to provide more personalized instruction. However, as the tutor-student relationship becomes more familiar, the sense of discipline can weaken, sometimes leading to unnecessary conversations and wasted study time.
Many top university students take on private tutoring as a high-paying part-time job. However, some parents mistakenly assume that being a top student automatically means being a great teacher. This misconception can result in wasted time and money if the tutor's teaching style does not align with the student’s learning needs.
Since private tutoring has a more direct impact on students than academies, careful selection is crucial. It is particularly suitable for students who struggle to keep up with school or academy lessons on their own, as well as those who grasp concepts quickly and wish to accelerate their progress. Given the high costs involved, students should accurately assess their own learning style and choose a tutor who aligns with their educational needs. Simply hiring a well-known tutor without considering compatibility with one's study habits may lead to disappointing results.
There are various forms of private education. Traditional offline academies are suitable for students who struggle with self-directed learning or have a disciplined study routine.
Private tutoring, on the other hand, is ideal for students who need more time to understand new material or wish to advance quickly through pre-learning. Choosing the right type of private education based on a child’s learning style can help minimize unnecessary expenses.
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