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Benefits of Education Incorporating Visual Learning Methods

by KHANMOM 2025. 1. 17.

The Decline in Literacy Skills Due to Avoiding Books

The shift from an era where the internet was accessed only through computers to one where portable smartphones allow constant internet connectivity has brought significant changes to society. Younger generations, heavily influenced by this transformation, are now absorbing global trends through platforms like YouTube and Instagram. As videos make information easy to grasp, learning through reading has been neglected. Consequently, many people tend to prefer acquiring knowledge through videos, leading to a decline in literacy skills. Many studies are being conducted to determine whether books or media are more beneficial for children's learning. Meanwhile, educational methods like metacognitive learning and mindset training are gaining popularity, further promoting visual learning approaches.

Remote Learning Enhances Educational Quality

The human brain has diverse methods of storing information, with visual learning being the most effective. Videos allow individuals to engage multiple senses, facilitating integrated thinking and memory retention. While face-to-face education has traditionally been preferred for these reasons, recent studies suggest that remote learning may, in fact, improve the quality of education. Remote learning offers similar educational experiences as in-person classes, with the added advantage of utilizing more video content, leading to better information retention and learning outcomes. Students with strong visual learning skills tend to excel because their brains are highly activated during such learning processes.

Video Learning as a Solution for Students with Low Concentration

Reading, visualizing, and organizing written content demand a high level of concentration. This is why students proficient in learning through books often perform well academically—they possess exceptional focus and memory skills. However, students who struggle with book-based learning need not give up on academics. Learning through videos is a time-efficient alternative, enabling comprehensive thinking and sustained engagement even for students with lower concentration levels. Inspired by this, ed-tech companies are now integrating games with educational content, viewing the education sector as a new growth market.


As the saying goes, “Seeing is believing,” visual learning has certain advantages over learning through books. While reading remains important, presenting book content in video format could further enhance educational growth. Therefore, embracing a blend of traditional reading and video-based learning is crucial for adapting to the evolving educational landscape.

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