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Why is Learning a Foreign Language Considered Essential?

by KHANMOM 2025. 1. 20.

Technological Advancements Elevate the Importance of Foreign Languages

Thanks to technological advancements, it is now possible to travel to the other side of the world within a single day. Moreover, developments in communication technology have removed the barriers of distance, allowing people to communicate seamlessly across the globe. As interaction with people from other countries becomes increasingly common, studying foreign languages has become a necessity. This trend is also reflected in the growing popularity of foreign language high schools, which are seen as a stepping stone to future career opportunities. In Joseon-era Korea, translators (yeokgwan) were of low social status, but their role in facilitating foreign trade brought undeniable benefits. Let us explore the lives of individuals who understood the importance of foreign languages in the past.

Grave of Yi Byeon, 5th-Generation Ancestor of Admiral Yi Sun-sin Source: Naver Images

Yi Byeon: Rising to Prominence as a Master of Chinese

Yi Byeon (李邊) was an ancestor of Admiral Yi Sun-sin, renowned for his naval victories. He passed the state examination at the age of 30 and joined the Seungmunwon (承文院), where he studied Chinese. Through relentless dedication, including farming by day and studying by night, he became an expert in Chinese and later joined the Sayeogwon (司譯院), an institution for training interpreters. Yi Byeon frequently served as an envoy to the Ming dynasty and worked under six kings, starting from King Sejong, during his 50-year diplomatic career. His exceptional abilities earned him recognition, and he eventually rose to the position of Minister of Justice (Hyungjo Panseo). At a time when studying foreign languages was often considered insignificant and relegated to interpreters, Yi Byeon’s commitment to mastering Chinese set him apart, allowing him to achieve remarkable success in his career.

Ban Ki-moon: Learning English from U.S. Soldiers to Become UN Secretary-General

Ban Ki-moon was born into a poor family in Chungju. At the time, a U.S.-funded fertilizer factory and housing for American soldiers were located in the region. Driven by his eagerness to learn, young Ban sought out Americans to practice English with. His efforts bore fruit when, as a high school senior, he won a Red Cross-sponsored essay competition and represented South Korea on a visit to the United States. This experience solidified his dream of becoming a diplomat, and he dedicated himself to achieving this goal. Ban Ki-moon’s determination led to a distinguished career, serving as South Korea’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and eventually becoming the first Korean to hold the position of UN Secretary-General. Despite his humble beginnings and limited resources, his early efforts to learn English became a stepping stone that propelled him to the position often referred to as the "President of the World."


In Joseon-era Korea, Yi Byeon demonstrated the qualities of an exceptional diplomat through his persistent study of Chinese, despite the low regard for foreign language learning at the time.
Ban Ki-moon leveraged the English he learned from U.S. soldiers to climb the ranks,
ultimately becoming the UN Secretary-General.
These examples illustrate how mastering a foreign language can open doors to new opportunities, serving as a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.

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