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How to Teach a Child Who Is Good at Finding Their Way

by KHANMOM 2025. 2. 11.

Pay Close Attention to Your Child’s Study Habits

Students who perform well in school tend to have good study habits. Many people believe that good study habits come from studying consistently and repeatedly. However, it’s even more important for study habits to match a child’s unique cognitive style. Every child grows up in a different environment, inherits different traits from their parents, and is influenced by their family’s way of life. If your child seems hardworking but isn’t achieving good academic results, their study habits might be the issue. That’s how crucial study habits are.

A Child Who Remembers Things Easily

Have you noticed that your child can remember the way to a new place after going there just once? This suggests they have strong spatial and visual memory skills. But what if they can easily recognize faces but struggle to remember names? For children like this, studying mainly through text may not be effective and could even make learning less enjoyable. So, what kind of learning methods work best for visually oriented children?

1. Encourage Them to Draw 3D Shapes and Characters

Understanding geometric shapes requires the ability to visualize space and think about how to represent it. Many students struggle when asked to sketch the cross-section of a cube. However, children with strong visual memory can grasp this concept quickly and start drawing right away.

For these children, looking at 3D objects or cartoon characters and sketching them on paper can help develop their visual processing skills. This practice trains the brain to convert 3D images into 2D, which is a high-level cognitive exercise. It also strengthens logical thinking by requiring them to decide where to start and how to structure their drawings.

2. Teach Them Chess, Janggi (Korean Chess), or Go

Winning in chess, janggi, or go requires strategic thinking. Players must constantly anticipate their opponent’s moves and adjust their own strategy accordingly. If your child has a competitive nature and a strong visual memory, these classic board games can enhance their logical thinking and spatial awareness. They are also fun and engaging ways to learn. Playing these games together can create meaningful memories and strengthen your bond. As your child experiments with different strategies, you’ll get to watch their growth firsthand. Through these games, they will develop a strong foundation in spatial reasoning and logical problem-solving.

For children who learn best through visuals, these games provide a highly effective learning experience. In fact, the renowned mathematician Leonhard Euler even wrote a paper on the “Knight’s Tour” based on chess, proving that such games are more than just entertainment—they are powerful tools for developing cognitive skills.


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