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If You Want to Study Well, This Comes First

by KHANMOM 2025. 2. 9.

Finding the Right Learning Method for Each Individual is Challenging

Humans learn throughout their lives, influenced by various environmental factors. However, because learning methods cannot be tailored to each individual's personality, public education adopts teaching strategies that have proven effective on average. While the Ministry of Education operates pilot schools to test new educational systems, these efforts often involve trial and error. It is difficult to design an educational approach that caters to a group rather than an individual. To secure a better future for their children, many parents turn to private education, hoping to find methods that suit their child’s needs. However, since they are not education experts, their efforts have limitations. That said, parents do have one advantage—they know themselves. Through their own experiences, they have learned what they excel at and what they struggle with. If they recall the methods that worked best for them in the past, they may be able to guide their children more effectively.

Understanding One’s Cognitive Preferences First

Habits are behaviors that become automatic through repetition, occurring even before the brain consciously recognizes them. This means that with enough repetition, movements can become instinctive, operating faster than the speed at which neural signals travel. Humans naturally choose the most efficient ways to perform tasks, refining their skills through repetition. This is why sports coaches focus on teaching proper posture from the beginning—incorrect form can ultimately impact an athlete's performance and career longevity. Similarly, learners should identify the methods that suit them best. However, many students mistakenly believe that the learning strategies they used successfully in the past are the most effective for them. Thinking of learning as a form of exercise can help clarify this concept. Just as physical movement is shaped by practice, learning is shaped by repeated cognitive processes. To maximize results, learners must first understand their own cognitive preferences and discover the learning methods that work best for them.

Finding a Child’s Learning Style

People learn through five senses, and parenting experts often emphasize sensory-based play in early childhood education. What’s important to note here is that parents, often without realizing it, tend to teach their children in ways that align with how their child responds best. The signals children send to their parents from a young age influence their learning tendencies, significantly affecting their academic performance later on. That’s why it’s crucial to observe how a child processes information and identify their preferred way of learning. However, just because a child finds a particular method easy to understand doesn’t necessarily mean it is the most effective for them. Parents should carefully analyze their child’s cognitive learning style and guide them toward a more efficient and effective way of learning.


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