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What Changes Are Needed in Education for the AI Era?

by KHANMOM 2025. 2. 6.

The Need for a New Approach to Education in the Age of AI

A five-day controversy unfolded when Sam Altman, the "father of ChatGPT," was fired from OpenAI and then reinstated. As the Fourth Industrial Revolution ushers in the era of artificial intelligence (AI), countless human jobs are at risk. According to a recent report by the Bank of Korea, AI advancements pose a significant threat to professional occupations such as doctors and lawyers. In response to this rapidly changing landscape, it is now time to shift children's education from traditional methods to new approaches suited for the future.

Prioritizing Critical Thinking Over Rote Memorization

AI processes vast amounts of data by categorizing, analyzing, and generating structured information. As AI mimics human data processing, professions that rely on accumulating and utilizing extensive knowledge are increasingly at risk. A study comparing three different scenarios—doctors alone, AI alone, and doctors collaborating with AI—found that diagnostic accuracy was highest when doctors worked alongside AI. As AI continues to learn how doctors process information, it is expected to surpass human doctors in decision-making based on data analysis.

The era of education based on rote memorization is coming to an end. Since AI can easily retrieve vast amounts of information, memorization alone will no longer be a competitive advantage. Instead, education should focus on developing critical thinking skills. Humans may not be able to match AI in processing information, but they possess the ability to apply diverse data creatively and make insightful decisions. In the future, those who cultivate wisdom and adaptability will be the ones who thrive in the AI era.

From Teaching to Coaching

The traditional teaching method, where teachers write on the blackboard while students passively listen and take notes, is losing relevance in the future of education. Instead, students must actively seek answers and determine the direction of their own learning. The trial-and-error process they experience along the way will become a valuable asset. AI will serve as a supportive tool to help them access necessary information, but it will not replace teachers.

In the future, educators will play an even more critical role—not merely delivering information but guiding students toward discovering answers on their own. For example, if a middle school student struggles with a math problem due to a lack of understanding of the Pythagorean theorem, a traditional teaching approach would involve directly explaining the theorem. In contrast, a coaching approach would encourage the student to think about why the theorem is necessary in solving the problem. The teacher would then engage in a discussion, helping the student derive the theorem through guided exploration.

Coaching fosters creativity and independent thinking. While AI excels at analyzing existing data patterns, it struggles to generate genuinely original ideas. The future will be an era where creativity and innovation drive success, making coaching an essential aspect of education. To nurture the creative minds needed for the future, a shift from teaching to coaching is imperative.


The arrival of the AI era is bringing a major paradigm shift, challenging the advantage once held by those who excelled at memorizing large amounts of information. In the future, education must move away from rote memorization and instead focus on developing creative thinking skills. Coaching, rather than passive knowledge intake, will be essential for fostering the problem-solving abilities needed in the AI-driven world.

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