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Customized Learning Method: For Students Who Prefer Structured Rules? Hippocampus Learning Method

by KHANMOM 2025. 3. 6.

Hippocampus Learning Method

The hippocampus is a part of the brain located deep in the temporal lobe, and it plays a key role in memory and learning. It is especially important for storing new information, connecting it with existing memories, and processing spatial memories. The hippocampus learning method focuses on maximizing learning efficiency by actively utilizing the hippocampus's characteristics.

<출처 : 네이버>

The Role of the Hippocampus and Its Connection to Learning

  • Processing Short-Term Memory and Converting It to Long-Term Memory
    The hippocampus processes short-term information and organizes it before transferring it into long-term memory. For example, in memorizing words, you might remember several words in the short term, but without repeated use, the information quickly fades. However, if you repeat the information or link it with existing knowledge, the hippocampus is stimulated, and the information is transferred to long-term memory.

  • Spatial Memory
    The hippocampus is crucial in processing spatial information. Using this feature, arranging information spatially or visualizing images during study can greatly improve memory.

  • The Connection Between Emotion and Learning
    Strong emotional stimuli activate the hippocampus more effectively. Using engaging learning tools or studying in a positive emotional environment helps the hippocampus store information more effectively.

Core Principles of the Hippocampus Learning Method

  1. Repetition
    The hippocampus remembers information better when it is repeated at short intervals. Reviewing material right before sleep and again in the morning maximizes learning effectiveness.
    - Method: Memorize 10 words a day and review them after 10 minutes, 1 hour, and 1 day.

  2. Association
    When new information is connected to existing knowledge, the hippocampus stores it more easily.
    - Method: When memorizing the word "Elephant," associate it with the image of an elephant waving its big ears, linking it to the word "Ear."

  3. Visualization
    Visualizing information through images can stimulate the hippocampus’s spatial memory function.
    - Method: Try creating pictures of the material you are learning.

  4. Short Interval Learning
    Rather than studying for long periods at once, frequent, shorter study sessions are more effective.
    - Method: Divide a 1-hour study session into three 20-minute sessions.

  5. Sleep and Rest
    Sleep is a crucial stage for converting information processed by the hippocampus into long-term memory. Lack of sleep significantly lowers learning efficiency.
    - Method: Ensure 7-8 hours of sleep after studying to help solidify the information in your brain.

  6. Exercise and Hippocampus Activation
    Physical activity, especially aerobic exercise (running, walking, etc.), stimulates the hippocampus and helps improve memory.
    - Method: Take a 20-30 minute walk or light run before or after studying to stimulate the brain.

Hippocampus Learning Method Recommended by Cheonglang

  1. Mind Mapping
    Visualize the learning material by structuring it, making connections to make it easier to remember.
    - Method: When preparing for exams, place key concepts in the center and link detailed information like branches of a tree.

  2. Link Information to Familiar Spaces
    Associate information with locations like rooms in your house, using spatial memory.
    - Method: Imagine placing the material in places like the living room sofa or kitchen table.

  3. Use Your Strongest Senses to Memorize
    Using multiple senses simultaneously strengthens memory formation.
    - Method: When memorizing words, listen to the pronunciation, write them down, and imagine their meanings.

  4. Review Before Sleeping
    Summarize and review the material before bed to convert it into long-term memory.
    - Method: After studying for the day, review the material for 10 minutes the next morning.

Who Can Benefit from the Hippocampus Learning Method?

The hippocampus learning method is more than just memorization; it uses the brain's structure and functions to maximize learning efficiency. By incorporating visualization, repetition, and sensory learning, this method helps learners remember information better and apply it long-term.

This method works best for individuals with disciplined habits and those with a strong inclination for physical activities. If a learner prefers structured rules and follows a curriculum, applying the hippocampus learning method will lead to even better results.

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