The Father of Modern Management, Peter Drucker’s Father
Adolf Drucker was a lawyer and served as a Minister of Foreign Trade in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He was knighted by Emperor Franz Joseph on June 19, 1916, recognizing his significant contributions. His wife, Caroline, studied medicine, attended Freud’s lectures, and was also a musician. Their son, Peter Drucker, became known as the founder of modern management, deeply influenced by his father’s education. Let’s take a look at Adolf Drucker’s methods of educating his son.
Creating a Human Network
As a high-ranking government official, Adolf Drucker built a salon in his home where he met various influential people. Many prominent individuals of the time visited their house. Adolf always made sure that Peter shook hands with them whenever they met. Peter later recalled that, thanks to his father’s network, he was able to meet many people who provided valuable lessons for his life. The network his father built later helped Peter Drucker connect with great business leaders and scholars, serving as a stepping stone for pioneering new ideas in management.
Training Him to Listen to Experts
Adolf Drucker often invited guests to his home to discuss a variety of topics. He always made sure that his son, Peter, could listen to these conversations, but he was not allowed to participate. This trained Peter to be an active listener. By being exposed to discussions among experts from different fields, he gained valuable learning experiences. Listening to these professionals must have shaped Peter Drucker’s view of his future.
Adolf Drucker used his position to create a salon at home, giving his son opportunities to meet experts from various fields and hear their ideas. Could it be that Peter Drucker’s success was largely due to the educational environment his father provided?
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아돌프 드러커의 자녀교육법
현대 경영학의 창시자 피터 드러커의 아버지아돌프 드러커는 법률가이자 오스트리아-헝가리 제국의 외국 무역성 장관을 지낸 인물이다. 1916년 6월 19일 당시 프란츠 요제프 황제로부터 기사 작
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